May 15, 2022 Spring Banquet
This is some sample text.
May 2022 “A” Quail Call
Gaining Website Access
A note from the webmaster: The member database has been updated to provide access to our 2018 members. If you experience difficulty logging onto the member section and have paid your 2018 membership dues, please send a note to us via the “Contact Us” section and we will provide assistance in getting logged onto the site. We thank you for paying your dues promptly!
2020 Spring Banquet Details **UPDATE**
The May 2020 Penn-Ohio Spring Banquet that was planned by the Copus Hill Chapter for Sunday the 17th has been cancelled due to the current situation with the Coronavirus Pandemic. We are sorry that we will not be assembling to kick off the start of the 2020 driving season, but the health and best interest of our members is paramount to protect. Stay safe and abide by the recommendations of federal, state and local authorities to help get this disease under control.
Keep checking back and we will keep you informed about any other upcoming events that might be affected.